Monday, January 4, 2016

A JC Case involving pushing

In respect and consideration for person's privacy, I will not be mentioning any actual names of individuals.

So today, there was an interesting JC case where someone had pushed someone. On the surface level, initially it may appear to the untrained eye that the person that pushed someone was completely guilty and at fault. However as the case progressed we learned more details. So in other words, we understood the events that lead up to the pushing incident. Having the bigger picture, we decided that both parties were at fault, and so the case was dismissed. My sense is that everyone left with a greater understanding about our relationships with each other. At the very least each one present had the opportunity to understand on a deeper level how and why people act within anger, and how to best support and respect a person when they get angry. Because we are responsible if we play into and feed the fire of the anger, even intentionally, unintentionally, and even when having the best or good intentions.

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